99 Startups

Mexico City, Mexico
Firm Location:Mexico City, Mexico
99 Startups Team
Photo of Luis Nicolás Bustani, Analyst at 99 Startups
Luis Nicolás Bustani
99 Startups·Analyst
Sweet spot: $2.5M
Range: $100K - $5.0M
Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in FinTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in FinTech (Pre-seed), Investors in FinTech (Seed), Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in FinTech (Seed)
Photo of Alejandro Galvez, Managing Partner at 99 Startups
Alejandro Galvez
99 Startups·Managing Partner
Sweet spot: $100K
Range: $50K - $250K
Investors in Ecuador, Investors in Peru, Investors in Colombia, Investors in Chile, Investors in Mexico (Mexico)