Cybernetix Ventures

Boston, Massachusetts
Firm Location:Boston, Massachusetts
Investor Firms That Co-Invest with Cybernetix Ventures
Cybernetix Ventures Team
Photo of Mark Martin, General Partner at Cybernetix Ventures
Mark Martin
Cybernetix Ventures·General Partner
Sweet spot: $1.5M
Range: $100K - $5.0M
Investors in Boston (MA)
Investors in Medical Devices (Seed), Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in Logistics (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Seed), Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Seed), Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Series A), Investors in Logistics (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in Boston / New England (Other Lists), Investors in Digital Health (Seed), Investors in Digital Health (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Pre-seed), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in Digital Health (Pre-seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Pre-seed), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Digital Health (Pre-seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed), Investors in Digital Health (Series A), Investors in Digital Health (Seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Seed)
Photo of Fred Mutsinzi, Analyst at Cybernetix Ventures
Fred Mutsinzi
Sweet spot: $1.5M
Range: $100K - $5.0M
Investors in Boston (MA)
Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in Boston / New England (Other Lists), Investors in Cybersecurity (Seed), Investors in Cybersecurity (Series A), Investors in Cybersecurity (Series A), Investors in Cybersecurity (Seed), Investors in Digital Health (Seed), Investors in Digital Health (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in AI (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in Cybersecurity (Pre-seed), Investors in Digital Health (Pre-seed), Investors in AI (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Cybersecurity (Pre-seed), Investors in Digital Health (Pre-seed), Investors in Digital Health (Series A), Investors in Digital Health (Seed)
Photo of Fady Saad, Managing Partner at Cybernetix Ventures
Fady Saad
Cybernetix Ventures·Managing Partner
Sweet spot: $1.5M
Range: $100K - $5.0M
Investors in Europe, Investors in New York, Investors in Texas, Investors in California, Investors in Montreal, Investors in Toronto (Ontario), Investors in New York (NY), Investors in Pittsburgh (PA), Investors in Boston / New England
Investors in Medical Devices (Seed), Investors in Hardware (Seed), Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Hardware (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Series A), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in Diverse Investors (Other Lists), Investors in Logistics (Series A), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in Investors who were founders (Other Lists), Investors in Investors who invested in female founders (Other Lists), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in Investors who invested in diverse founders (Other Lists), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Hardware (Seed), Investors in Hardware (Seed), Investors in New York City (Other Lists), Investors in Hardware (Seed), Investors in Hardware (Seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Seed), Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Seed), Investors in Robotics (Seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Seed), Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Seed), Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Seed), Investors in Logistics (Seed), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in Manufacturing (Seed), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Hardware (Series A), Investors in Hardware (Series A), Investors in Hardware (Series A), Investors in Hardware (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Series A), Investors in Manufacturing (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in Logistics (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in Manufacturing (Series A), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Series A), Investors in Robotics (Series A), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Series A), Investors in Logistics (Series A), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Series A), Investors in Logistics (Series A), Investors in Manufacturing (Series A), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Series A), Investors in Logistics (Series A), Investors in Manufacturing (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in ConstructionTech (Series A), Investors in ConstructionTech (Seed), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in British Columbia (Other Lists), Investors in ConstructionTech (Seed), Investors in Midwest (Other Lists), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Seed), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in Boston / New England (Other Lists), Investors in ConstructionTech (Seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Series A), Investors in AutoTech (Series A), Investors in ConstructionTech (Seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Series A), Investors in Medical Devices (Pre-seed), Investors in Hardware (Pre-seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Pre-seed), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in AI (Pre-seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in AI (Pre-seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in AI (Pre-seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed), Investors in AI (Pre-seed), Investors in AI (Pre-seed), Investors in Hardware (Pre-seed), Investors in Hardware (Pre-seed), Investors in Hardware (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in Hardware (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Pre-seed), Investors in Robotics (Pre-seed), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Pre-seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Pre-seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Pre-seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Pre-seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Pre-seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in Medical Devices (Pre-seed), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Pre-seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Manufacturing (Pre-seed), Investors in AutoTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Pre-seed), Investors in ConstructionTech (Pre-seed), Investors in Logistics (Pre-seed), Investors in Health & Hospital Services (Seed)