Investing Profile
Alastair Trueger(612)
San Francisco, California
Your Intro Paths to Alastair Trueger
Alastair Trueger's investing connections
Connected to James Currier (NFX), Charles Hudson (Precursor Ventures), Josh Elman, and 53 other investors on Signal.
Networks Alastair is a member of
University of California, Berkeley Network
Brown University Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Creative Ventures General Partner
Investment Range
$100K - $500K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Alastair Trueger is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Alastair Trueger's Investments On Record (2)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Clear Street | Series BMay 2022$170M | $170M |
VEERUM | SeedApr 2018$4M | $11M |
most interested in
We look for early stage companies (seed and A) that are solving the problems created by our aging population, labor shortages, and climate change. Today, we’re most excited about industry (primarily construction & manufacturing), agriculture and health (primarily medical devices).Alastair Trueger's Experience
Founding Partner Creative Ventures2016 - Present
Owner Event Horizon2015 - 2016
Founder Teaman & Company2013 - 2015
Business Development & Market Sizing Active Theory Inc2012 - 2013
Operations Manager Paracale Gold2012 - 2012
Senior Associate Somercourt2011 - 2012
Digital Marketing Lead Mahindra & Mahindra2009 - 2011
Summer Associate Oliver Wyman2007 - 2007
Alastair Trueger's Education
University of California, Berkeley Master of Business Administration (MBA) Building and Scaling Companies
Brown University History Imperial History, International Relations, Economics
Eton College Medieval History Biology, Design, Economics.
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