Investing Profile
Stamp Suksantiswad(43)
Your Intro Paths to Stamp Suksantiswad
Stamp Suksantiswad's investing connections
Connected to Brian Frank (FTW Ventures), Alex Luce (Creative Ventures).
Find Stamp Suksantiswad on
cbCurrent Investing Position
Creative Ventures Senior Associate
Investment Range
$100K - $5.0M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
Stamp Suksantiswad is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Stamp Suksantiswad's Experience
Investment Lead Xplor Ventures2023 - Present
Corporate Venture Capital PTTEP2023 - Present
Stamp Suksantiswad's Education
Chulalongkorn University Bachelor's Degree
Suankularb Wittayalai School High School
Investors who invest with Stamp Suksantiswad