Investing Profile
Albert Azout(300)
cotacapital.comSan Francisco, California
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Albert Azout's investing connections
Connected to Stephanie Palmeri (NextView Ventures), Ryan Walsh, Ann Miura Ko (Floodgate), and 40 other investors on Signal.
Networks Albert is a member of
Babson College Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Cota Capital Partner
Investment Range
$1M - $100.0M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Albert Azout is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Albert Azout's Investments On Record (2)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
DeepScale | SeedMar 2017$3M | $19M |
Qwiki | SeedJul 2010$2M | $11M |
Albert Azout's Education
Babson College
Investors who invest with Albert Azout
Scouts & Angels Affiliated With Albert Azout