Investing Profile
Alina Tioupikova(55)
InvestorAngelProduct Operator
Vice President, Software Product Management at Techstars
Your Intro Paths to Alina Tioupikova
Alina Tioupikova's investing connections
Connected to Brad Feld (Foundry Group), David Cohen (Techstars), Matt Kozlov (Techstars), and 2 other investors on Signal.
Current Investing Position
Investment Range
$5K - $50K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Alina Tioupikova is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Alina Tioupikova's Investments On Record (3)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Blokable, Inc. | SeedDec 2019 | |
The Riveter | SeedDec 2018 | $26M |
Court Buddy | Seed RoundOct 2017$1M | $8.1M |
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