Investing Profile
Ela Madej(171)
San Francisco, California
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Connected to James Currier (NFX), Garry Tan (Y Combinator), Vishal Vasishth (Obvious Ventures), and 14 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Fifty Years Managing Partner
Investments On Record
Ela Madej is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Ela Madej's Investments On Record (1)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Journey Clinical | Series AJan 2023$9M SeedSep 2021$3M | $12M |
Ela Madej's Experience
Founding Partner Fifty Years2015 - Present
Founder Impact.tech2015 - Present
Partner Innovation Nest2014 - 2016
Co-Founder & CEO European Rails Conference Railsberry2011 - 2013
Co-Founder Base CRM2009 - 2013
Co-Founder & CEO Applicake2006 - 2013
Ela Madej's Education
Krakow University of Economics MA/MBA Controlling in Finance Management
Tischner European University MA International Project Managment
University of Birmingham BA International Business
Tischner European University, Cracow Bachelor of Arts International Relations with Business