Investing Profile
John Eng(1141)
VCInvestorAdvisorMarketing Operator
I help our portfolio companies secure their next round of investment, Washington
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Connected to James Currier (NFX), Gigi Levy-Weiss (NFX), Aileen Lee (Cowboy Ventures), and 110 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Right Side Capital Management Principal
Investment Range
$50K - $200K
Sweet Spot
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We know pretty precisely what we're looking for and try to be completely transparent. To save you time, we'll simply tell you how we make decisions. 80%+ of our decision process is based on just five variables: Business model. Traction. Unit economics and growth path. Capital efficiency. Valuation. We make 90% of our investments at a a $1.5M to $3M valuation in companies with MRRs of $5K to $30K.not interested in
Coin/token offering or SAFT. A primary business model is crypto mining, issuing tokens, or minting NFTs Round size greater than $1M. (This is a hard limit. Our soft limit is $500K.) Minimum check size greater than $500K. (This is a hard limit. Our usual commitment is $150-300K.) Valuation/cap greater than $6M. (This is a hard limit. Our soft limit is $3M.) Previous outside investment greater than $500K total. Primary offering is at the idea, mockup, prototype, or pre-revenue MVP stage.John Eng's Experience
VP Marketing and Alliances ParallelsPresent
CMO RemixPresent
CMO NewVoiceMediaPresent
CMO Swiftly, Inc.Present
Director of Marketing and Product Marketing MicrosoftPresent
Regional CMO LinkedInPresent
John Eng's Education
Stony Brook University BS Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University Krannert School of Management MBA Business
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