Investing Profile
Nate Bosshard(85)
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Nate Bosshard's investing connections
Connected to James Currier (NFX), Josh Elman, Nikhil Basu Trivedi (Footwork), and 23 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Offline Ventures Managing Partner
Investment Range
$1M - $2.0M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
$100 Million
Nate Bosshard is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Nate Bosshard's Media (1)
most interested in
Health and WellnessNate Bosshard's Experience
Planning Commissioner City of Mill Valley2017 - Present
Chief Marketing Officer Tonal2016 - Present
Founder Nate Bosshard Warehouse LLC2010 - Present
Owner City Brewing Company2006 - Present
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