Investing Profile
Ofir Azury(142)
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Ofir Azury's investing connections
Connected to Guy Katsovich (Fusion VC), Daniel Cohen (Viola Ventures).
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Ofir Azury's Investments On Record (2)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Neura | Series AJan 2016$11M SeedApr 2014$2M | $15M |
Mapme | SeedJun 2015$1M | $1M |
Ofir Azury's Experience
Owner Gooday Investments - Private Technology Investments2013 - Present
Head of Technology Investments Gandyr Investments2010 - Present
Investment Analysis and Strategic Marketing Consultancy Mobilicare Consultancy2009 - 2010
Founder Mobilicare2009 - 2010
Director of Marketing Unipier2004 - 2008
Business Development & Marketing Manager Niragongo Technologies2000 - 2004
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