Investing Profile
Rajat Bhageria
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Afore Capital Partner
Investment Range
$500K - $1.2M
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Current Fund Size
Rajat Bhageria is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Rajat Bhageria's Investments On Record (13)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Carry | Pre SeedJun 2019 | $5M |
reThought Insurance | SeedMay 2019 | $24M |
Rentlogic | SeedApr 2019 | $2M |
Insurdata | SeedApr 2019$3M | $4M |
Ghost Robotics | SeedMar 2019 SeedNov 2017$1M | $1M |
Orai | SeedFeb 2019$2M | $2.1M |
Juno Diagnostics | SeedJan 2019 | $25M |
Aura Health | SeedOct 2018$3M | $4M |
Rajat Bhageria's Media (1)
Rajat Bhageria's Experience
Co-Founder and Managing Partner Prototype Capital2018 - Present
Fellow Kairos HQ2017 - Present
Investors who invest with Rajat Bhageria
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