Investing Profile
Rotem Shacham
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Rotem Shacham's Experience
Director PSG2023 - Present
Guest Lecturer Kellogg-Recanati Executive MBA Program at the Coller School of Management2021 - 2023
Principal Viola Ventures2020 - 2023
Project Leader Boston Consulting Group (BCG)2018 - 2020
MBA Candidate at HBS Boston Consulting Group (BCG)2016 - 2018
Senior Product Manager Intern Amazon2017 - 2017
Board Member, Director [TASE: BSEN] Bet Shemesh Engines Ltd.2011 - 2017
Consultant Boston Consulting Group (BCG)2015 - 2016
Senior Associate Boston Consulting Group (BCG)2015 - 2015
Associate Boston Consulting Group (BCG)2013 - 2015
Law clerk to President of Israeli Supreme Court, Chief Justice Dorit Beinisch Supreme Court of Israel2011 - 2012
Intelligence Analyst Israel Defense Forces, 8200 unit2005 - 2007
Rotem Shacham's Education
Harvard Business School Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), High Distinction
The Hebrew University Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) Economics, Law (Double major), Magna Cum Laude
Georgetown University Exchange student Law
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