Investing Profile
Tommie Powers(34)
InvestorAdvisorAngelMarketing Operator
Revenue Growth Strategist
nextlevelambitions.comAtlanta, Georgia
Your Intro Paths to Tommie Powers
Tommie Powers's investing connections
Connected to Dave McClure (Practical Venture Capital).
Current Investing Position
Investment Range
$10K - $100K
Sweet Spot
Investments On Record
Tommie Powers is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Advertising (Seed)Investors who invested in diverse foundersMarketingTech (Seed)Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) (Seed)Creator/Passion Economy (Seed)Media/Content (Seed)Investors who invested in female foundersDiverse InvestorsInvestors who were foundersMarketingTech (Pre-seed)AI (Seed)Raleigh-Durham / Southeast USWellness & Fitness (Seed)AI (Pre-seed)Angel, Scout, and Solo-CapitalistsWellness & Fitness (Pre-seed)Education (Pre-seed)Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) (Pre-seed)Advertising (Pre-seed)Media/Content (Pre-seed)Creator/Passion Economy (Pre-seed)FinTech (Pre-seed)E-commerce (Pre-seed)Education (Seed)E-commerce (Seed)FinTech (Seed)
Tommie Powers's Investments On Record (2)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Techie Homes | SeedJun 2023$25K | $25K |
Green Toad Hemp Farm | SeedNov 2022$25K | $25K |
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