Investing Profile
Alex Debayo-Doherty
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Networks Alex is a member of
Harvard University Network
Insight Partners Network
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cbCurrent Investing Position
Insight Partners Analyst
Investment Range
$10.0M - $350.0M
Sweet Spot
Current Fund Size
Alex Debayo-Doherty is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Alex Debayo-Doherty's Media (1)
Alex Debayo-Doherty's Experience
Investment Team Insight Partners2021 - Present
Investment Team PeakSpan Capital2020 - 2020
RFID & Electrical Engineering Vorbeck2018 - 2018
Independent Researcher The University of Toledo2017 - 2017
Alex Debayo-Doherty's Education
Harvard University A.B.
The Potomac School
Investors who invest with Alex Debayo-Doherty
Scouts & Angels Affiliated With Alex Debayo-Doherty