Investor List:

Top Enterprise Applications Series B Investors (800)

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About this list
We’ve compiled a list of the top Enterprise Applications investors. The goal is to help Founders find the best investors to target and get introduced to.
Photo of Dmitry Alimov, Managing Partner at Frontier Ventures
Dmitry Alimov
Frontier Ventures·Managing Partner
Sweet spot: $1M
Range: $100K - $5.0M
Investors in United States
Photo of Thomas Loverro, General Partner at IVP
Thomas Loverro
IVP·General Partner
Sweet spot: $25.0M
Range: $15.0M - $100.0M
Investors in Menlo Park (CA)
Photo of Jake Flomenberg, Partner at Wing Venture Capital
Jake Flomenberg
Sweet spot: $8.0M
Range: $200K - $20.0M
Investors in Menlo Park (CA), Investors in Palo Alto (CA)
Investors in Analytics (Series B), Investors in Analytics (Series A), Investors in Developer Tools (Series B), Investors in Developer Tools (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series B), Investors in Data Services (Series B), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Data Services (Series A), Investors in Investors who invested in female founders (Other Lists), Investors in SaaS (Series B), Investors in San Francisco Bay Area (Other Lists), Investors in Analytics (Series A), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Developer Tools (Series A), Investors in Data Services (Series A), Investors in SaaS (Series A), Investors in Analytics (Series B), Investors in Data Services (Series B), Investors in Cloud Infrastructure (Series B), Investors in Developer Tools (Series B), Investors in Future of Work (Series A), Investors in SaaS (Series B), Investors in Future of Work (Series B), Investors in Cybersecurity (Series B), Investors in Cybersecurity (Series A), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Series B), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Series A), Investors in Cybersecurity (Series B), Investors in Cybersecurity (Series A), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Series B), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Series B), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Series A), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Series B), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in SaaS (Series A)
Photo of George Bischof, General Partner at Meritech Capital Partners
George Bischof
Meritech Capital Partners·General Partner
Sweet spot: $12.0M
Range: $5.0M - $25.0M
Investors in New York (NY), Investors in San Francisco (CA), Investors in Palo Alto (CA)
Photo of Mike Jung, Managing Partner at Founders Circle Capital
Mike Jung
Founders Circle Capital·Managing Partner
Sweet spot: $10.0M
Range: $1M - $25.0M
Investors in Menlo Park (CA)
Photo of Max Motschwiller, General Partner at Meritech Capital Partners
Max Motschwiller
Meritech Capital Partners·General Partner
Sweet spot: $12.0M
Range: $5.0M - $25.0M
Investors in New York (NY), Investors in San Francisco (CA), Investors in Palo Alto (CA)
Photo of Eric Liaw, General Partner at IVP
Eric Liaw
IVP·General Partner
Sweet spot: $25.0M
Range: $10.0M - $100.0M
Investors in Cupertino (CA), Investors in London, Investors in SF Bay Area (CA)
Photo of Noah Breslow, General Partner at Bain Capital Ventures
Noah Breslow
Bain Capital Ventures·General Partner
Sweet spot: $3.0M
Range: $250K - $25.0M
Investors in New York (NY)
Investors in Analytics (Series B), Investors in Analytics (Series A), Investors in SMB Software (Seed), Investors in AI (Series B), Investors in Insurance (Seed), Investors in Data Services (Series B), Investors in Analytics (Seed), Investors in Data Services (Seed), Investors in Data Services (Series A), Investors in Enterprise (Series B), Investors in Insurance (Series B), Investors in SMB Software (Series B), Investors in Insurance (Series A), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in FinTech (Series B), Investors in SMB Software (Series A), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in AI (Seed), Investors in Investors who were founders (Other Lists), Investors in Analytics (Seed), Investors in Data Services (Seed), Investors in Enterprise (Series A), Investors in FinTech (Seed), Investors in New York City (Other Lists), Investors in Insurance (Seed), Investors in SMB Software (Seed), Investors in Analytics (Series A), Investors in AI (Series A), Investors in Data Services (Series A), Investors in Enterprise (Series A), Investors in FinTech (Series A), Investors in Insurance (Series A), Investors in SMB Software (Series A), Investors in AI (Series B), Investors in Data Services (Series B), Investors in Analytics (Series B), Investors in FinTech (Series B), Investors in Enterprise (Series B), Investors in Insurance (Series B), Investors in SMB Software (Series B), Investors in Angel, Scout, and Solo-Capitalists (Other Lists), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Series B), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Seed), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Series A), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Series B), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Seed), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Series A), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Series A), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Series B), Investors in Enterprise Infrastructure (Seed), Investors in Enterprise Applications (Series B), Investors in Enterprise (Seed), Investors in FinTech (Series A), Investors in FinTech (Seed), Investors in Enterprise (Seed)
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