Investing Profile
Barney Harford
Chicago, Illinois
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Barney Harford's Investments On Record (9)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Otto | SeedAug 2024$6M | $56M |
TROOP (formerly TroopTravel) | Series ASep 2021$8M | $19M |
TrovaTrip | SeedAug 2021$5M | $20M |
RealSelf | Series CAug 2018 Series AJun 2008$1M AngelApr 2007$750K | $42M |
Redeam | Series AMar 2018$8M | $8M |
PlayFab | Series BDec 2016$3M Series AMar 2015$10M SeedAug 2014$3M | $16M |
YCharts | Series CMay 2015$6M | $6M |
TurnKey Vacation Rentals | SeedJun 2014$3M | $5M |
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