Investing Profile
Erik Blachford(1)
San Francisco, California
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Investments On Record
Erik Blachford is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
Erik Blachford's Investments On Record (31)
Company | StageDateRound Size | Total Raised |
Otto | SeedAug 2024$6M | $56M |
SiteMinder | Series DSep 2021$73M Series BJan 2014$30M | $100M |
Madrona Venture Labs | Series UnknownMay 2021$8M | $30M |
Sherpa° | Series AApr 2021$9M | $9M |
CANOPY | Corporate RoundMay 2019$2M | $2M |
Sleepbox | SeedJan 2019$2M | $2M |
Domicile | SeedSep 2018$6M | $6M |
TourRadar | Series CJun 2018$50M AngelJun 2013 | $67M |
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