Investing Profile
Noemie Alliel(289)
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Connected to Gigi Levy-Weiss (NFX), Gil Dibner (Angular Ventures), Igor Ryabenkiy (Altair Capital Management), and 3 other investors on Signal.
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cbCurrent Investing Position
General Partner
Investment Range
$250K - $1M
Sweet Spot
Noemie Alliel is on these Sector & Stage Rankings
AR/VR (Seed)Robotics (Seed)EnergyTech (Seed)ClimateTech/CleanTech (Seed)Space (Seed)AI (Seed)Investors who were foundersFemale InvestorsInvestors who invested in female foundersIsraelDeepTech (Seed)AR/VR (Pre-seed)EnergyTech (Pre-seed)DeepTech (Pre-seed)Space (Pre-seed)Robotics (Pre-seed)ClimateTech/CleanTech (Pre-seed)AI (Pre-seed)Generative Tech/AI (Pre-seed)Generative Tech/AI (Seed)
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What drives you How what you are building will create and shape the future of Aerospacenot interested in
Solo founders. Hard road ahead…Noemie Alliel's Education
University of Florida - Warrington College of Business BsBa Management
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