Investor List:

Top Pharmaceuticals Series B Investors (527)

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About this list
We’ve compiled a list of the top Pharmaceuticals investors. The goal is to help Founders find the best investors to target and get introduced to.
Photo of Paul Walker, General Partner at New Enterprise Associates (NEA)
Paul Walker
Sweet spot: $25.0M
Range: $2.0M - $50.0M
Investors in Menlo Park (CA)
Photo of Vijay Pande, Managing Partner at Andreessen Horowitz
Vijay Pande
Andreessen Horowitz·Managing Partner
Sweet spot: $100K
Range: $100K - $10.0M
Investors in Menlo Park (CA)
Photo of Mohamad Makhzoumi, General Partner at New Enterprise Associates (NEA)
Mohamad Makhzoumi
Sweet spot: $25.0M
Range: $2.0M - $50.0M
Investors in Menlo Park (CA)
Photo of Robert Garland, Venture Partner at New Enterprise Associates (NEA)
Robert Garland
Sweet spot: $25.0M
Range: $2.0M - $50.0M
Investors in SF Bay Area (CA), Investors in San Francisco (CA)
Photo of Ali Behbahani, General Partner at New Enterprise Associates (NEA)
Ali Behbahani
Sweet spot: $25.0M
Range: $2.0M - $50.0M
Investors in Washington (DC)
Photo of Bill Helman, Partner at Greylock
Bill Helman
Sweet spot: $25.0M
Range: $500K - $200.0M
Investors in Boston (MA)
Photo of Ed Mathers, Partner at New Enterprise Associates (NEA)
Ed Mathers
Sweet spot: $25.0M
Range: $2.0M - $50.0M
Investors in Maryland, Investors in Washington (DC)
Photo of Jonathan MacQuitty, Partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners
Jonathan MacQuitty
Sweet spot: $15.0M
Range: $3.0M - $20.0M
Investors in Sunnyvale (CA)
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